Guidelines for Joining a Coalition or Association
Note: When considering association policy at its November,1996 meeting, the LWVFNUC Board decided that the League's rules for joining any action group should be the same.
An action coalition is usually a temporary alliance that brings together organizations for joint action toward a limited and well-defined goal.
An association is different from a coalition in that an association may be a long-term, continuing relationship to support efforts related to a major goal. Nevertheless, the same fundamental criteria for joining a coalition must apply to joining and continuing an association.
Approval and Criteria
The LWVFNUC Board must approve participation prior to joining any coalition or association. The coalition or association shall meet the following criteria:
- LWVFNUC has position(s), experience, abilities, and interests that make joining the coalition or association appropriate.
- The coalition or association may be more persuasive than the League operating separately.
- The coalition or association can finance the activities necessary for success.
- The coalition or association will not endorse candidates.
- League members are available to do the required work, including active representation and leadership in the coalition or association.
- The LWVFNUC Board will review participation in the coalition or association annually at Board retreat.
- Participation in the coalition or association will not compromise the League's nonpartisanship.
Coalition/Association Ground Rules
Ground rules must be established so the parties understand what they may and may not do in the name of the Coalition or Association. Ground rules include:
- The group must define the general parameters of the issue or issues.
- The group must agree on specific strategies.
- A LWVFNUC member must be one of the designated leaders and decision-makers.
- The group must approve any persons(s) who speak for the coalition or association.
- Member groups must have the opportunity to approve published materials distributed by people or organizations in the coalition or association, including statements to the press.
- LWVFNUC will not be responsible for any coalition or association expenses beyond the amount specifically approved by the LWVFNUC Board.
- The coalition or association must report campaign finance expenses in accordance with the law.
- LWVFNUC reserves the right to withdraw from the coalition or association at any time.
Representing LWVFNUC on Community Advisory Boards and Commissions
The Board must evaluate the qualifications of potential League representatives based on their:
- Understanding of League principles of "good" government (open, accountable, responsible, and responsive government).
- Specialized knowledge about and interest in the commission's/committee’s purpose.
- Ability to attend meetings and perform tasks of the commission/committee.
- Willingness to report to the Board and Membership on the work of the commission/committee and the League's participation in the work.
- League representation should be reviewed and reapproved by the Board annually at the Board retreat.
Use of Membership Roster by Other Organizations
- Only the League for League purposes may use the roster.
- A notice that the roster is for League use only and that the LWVFNUC Board of Directors must specifically grant permission for any other use shall be printed on the roster.
Delegates to State and National Convention
Money shall be budgeted to cover reasonable convention-related expenses (transportation, registration, and hotel) so that any member, regardless of financial ability, may represent the League at state and national conventions. If financially feasible, the LWVFNUC will send the number of delegates for which it is eligible to both state and national conventions.
Criteria for Selecting Delegates
- The President shall have the opportunity to be one of the delegates.
- Commitment to League work in the past and coming two years shall be considered a qualification to be a delegate.
- The Board should assess the probability of future League leadership of potential delegates.
- Potential delegates shall agree to participate in convention activities (workshops, caucuses, plenary sessions, etc.) and upon returning to share the information gathered at convention with the Board and local membership.
Fee Waiver to League Events
LWVFNUC will waive the cost of attending a League event for elected officials or other attendees only if they are part of the program. The waiver does not apply to spouses or companions of program participants.
Voter Policy
Selection of Articles for the Voter
The following categories of articles are LWVFNUC priorities for inclusion in the Voter:
- A calendar of League events.
- President's message.
- Upcoming local, state, regional, and national League events.
- Priority issues for study and action on all League levels (Includes League Notebook).
- Observers’ reports.
- Voter Service report.
- Membership report, profiles, recruitment tools-gift certificates, mentor pledge, dues form.
- Summaries of League events already held.
- Fundraising activities.
- Board meeting reports.
Space Available Categories
- News about League members (that does not increase the size of the Voter enough to incur additional printing/weight expense).
- Calendar additions-election dates, public meetings, public events related to the League, League issues or women's issues.
- Non-League information and opinions which do not promote activities or policies in conflict with League positions. Sources should be clearly attributed to the authors with appropriate disclaimers (i.e. League cannot guarantee the accuracy of the material in the article.) If appropriate, League positions on the subject should be clearly stated. .
- Fillers: women in history, factual information related to League issues and positions.
Advertising in the Voter
- Cannot have: finance, travel, or insurance business cards, which negate the League nonprofit bulk rates. (U.S. postal regulations).
- Need to advise Voter editor of date ad was paid so number of issues can be correlated with payment.
- Does not promote activities or policies in conflict with League positions.
Voter Mailing List
The LWVFNUC Voter mailing list should include the following:
- All current members of LWVFNUC.
- Prospective local League members for a 3-month period. (A Member can request extension).
- Members of the LWVC Board of Directors or those designated to read our Voters.
- Our LWVUS Board liaison.
- The Bay Area League office.
- Members of the Alameda County Council of League presidents.
- Officials for the Tri-Cities: City Councils, School Boards, School Superintendents, City Managers, Planning Commissioners, ACWD, County Supervisor, Police Chiefs, State Assembly person(s) and State Senator. This list should be updated after each election and in January for Commissioners.
- School liaisons: PTA president, high school social studies dept. heads, Ohlone History Department.
- Local Newspaper editors. Tri-City Voice.
- Organizations with common interests or that we want to interest in the League.
- E-Voter available to anyone who requests it.